Friday, December 21, 2018

Unit of Life

Kick in womb like bursts of arrows,
Action starts at target ZERO
Cries so loud shattering walks of tears
So called journey of ONE hears
Holding hands of morale's strong,
To understand the TWO - Right & Wrong
The Father, Son and The Holy spirit,
The divine twist with THREE Trinity
Followed by teenage mood reasons,
More unpredictable than FOUR seasons
Doors to world of opportunities beckon,
Like deep scary wavy FIVE oceans
Soon fighting the battle of Mahabharata,
Fate hangs on dice showing a SIX
Then those creepy weakly moments,
When sense give away to SEVEN opponents
Wisp of Nirvana calmness depth,
Mediate towards the EIGHT fold path
Final release of the movie twine,
Towards the journey of cloud NINE!